The F4U-1A in Aces High III
The F4U-1A is the newest addition to the Corsair lineup, filling the time gap between the F4U-1 Birdcage, and the F4U-1D (late-1943 through the end of 1944). The 1A possesses all the strengths of the 1-series F4Us, making her one of the best non-perked fighters in the American plane set, if not the game.
Engine Power
The F4U-1A mounts the same variant of the massive Pratt and Whitney R-2800 radial engine as the 1D, (R-2800-8(W)) generating 2000hp under standard combat power on the deck, and an additional 250hp with WEP. She also replaces the "toothpick" propeller of the -1 with the 1D's three-bladed paddle prop. The result is a marked improvement in acceleration and rate of climb over the -1. She's the fastest of the non-perked "Hogs," capable of exceeding 410mph at altitude in level flight, a slight edge over the -1, and a difference of between 15-25mph over the 1D/C depending on altitude.
Good. The F4U-1A carries six Browning .50cal machine guns, which is the standard armament configuration of much of the American plane set. The primary bank consists of two with 375rds/gun, with the remaining four in the secondary bank at 400rds/gun. As with all aircraft carrying the "Ma Deuce," the strength of this armament in the F4U is accuracy, high lethality for a machine gun, and volume of fire. The Brownings throw out a lot of lead in short order, and have superb ballistics properties. Gunnery in the Corsair is about as close to point-and-click as it gets. However as with all machine guns it takes weight of fire to inflict heavy damage. Shots outside convergence range, or with convergence set at a great range, will reduce the effectiveness of the guns.
In regards to ordinance, the 1A is somewhat lacking for a Late War fighter, carrying at most a single 1000lb bomb. The .50cal are also not the greatest weapons for strafing, as their shorter effective range over cannon means getting in close. Additionally, the Brownings lack the punch to effectively tackle even semi-armored vehicles such as Ostwinds and M8s.
Maneuverability in the Corsair is excellent throughout her speed range, however her best performance falls between 250-350mph. Rate of roll in the Corsair is excellent, and actually improves as airspeed increases. Instantaneous turn is superb at all speeds and she's one of the best at high-speed sustained turns, especially when utilizing energy saving or building maneuvers such as the low yo-yo. Controls remain responsive up through incredibly high airspeeds, and though the Corsair can compress, it occurs long after most opponents are in elevator lock or have begun shedding parts. At the bottom end of this range the F4U can begin taking advantage of her flaps, which are among the most effective of any aircraft in the game. The first notch can be dropped at 250mph IAS, above speeds where most better-turning opponents can begin to put theirs into effect. Responsiveness is strong, and will haul the Corsair's long nose around faster than most opponents would expect from 12,000lbs of airplane.
Below 250mph the Corsair can perform an astonishingly tight circle as the flaps begin to come out, and with full flaps can even cut corners on many of the Spitfires. However the Corsair's turn rate suffers in a full-flaps situation, and if the F4U is unable to capitalize on her tighter turning radius quickly most of the dedicated turn-fighters will quickly be around on her. Rate of roll also suffers at stall speeds, especially to the right.
Vertical maneuvering is much improved in the 1A over the -1 due to the addition of the paddle prop. However she can still be a little sluggish coming over the top of a loop at low airspeeds, but especially when flaps-out can really haul through the bottom side.
Not to be overlooked is the Corsair's rudder. The rudder is massive, and unlike most aircraft retains authority even at exceptionally high airspeeds. With proper timing the F4U can whip around the top of a vertical extension before an opponent can react, and can greatly improve response in the rolling scissors and the Corsair's already sparkling rate of roll. Skids and slips are highly responsive, and the F4U can easily rake its guns over an out of phase target who might otherwise believe he's out of reach.
Fighting in the F4U-1A
The key to the Corsair is knowing your opponent and knowing the situation. Thus, Energy state is perhaps the most important factor to consider when flying the F4U. Her top speed is excellent, but acceleration and rate of climb are only middle of the pack. The Corsair CAN fight most opponents in a low-speed turn fight, however the unexceptional climb and acceleration will make you vulnerable to other opponents in the furball. Keep the Corsair fast in multi-plane engagements, and take advantage of the F4U's high top speed and high-speed maneuverability to make quick slashing attacks. The Corsair also holds onto E very well, and can lose and catch even exceptional climbers like the Spitfire Mk.XVI and La-7 in the zoom. Diving ability is also excellent. The 1A can really wind it up in a dive, and her E retention allows her to hold on to a lot of that extra speed longer than most opponents. This also makes the Corsair very deceptive, as a low F4U with a ton of E can be easily overlooked by a higher opponent due to her unremarkable acceleration and climb. Use this to advantage with a sudden zoom climb under your opponent
Keep the fights between 250-350mph. This is where the Corsair excels, and she'll handily out-maneuver most opponents above 300mph. At the low end of the range drop a notch of flaps to swing the nose into a firing position. Try to avoid situations where you need more than two notches, and practice working the flaps up and down. Drop them long enough to get your nose where you want it, and get them back up again immediately to keep drag from sapping your Energy. The flaps can also almost be TOO effective and lead to overshooting your turn and losing the shot. Experience will teach you when to drop them and how many notches, and proper timing can haul the nose over for a shot your opponent may never expect.
Set your guns at close range. The Brownings are highly accurate and hard-hitting, but it takes volume to really deal damage. Convergence beyond 400yds is generally too far. 300yds offers an excellent balance between range and hitting power. At 200yds, the Corsair's guns are buzz-saws, and can cut through most opponents with even a one-second burst. Hold your fire until your opponent is at convergence, unless you intend to spook him into maneuvering to give you a closer shot.
The 1A, like the -1, has a unique consideration with fuel. The 1A carries an additional pair of fuel tanks, one in each wing, so will carry more fuel at a given percentage than the later models. The 1A fills the main tank first, then the two wing tanks will fill. 75% internal fuel is ideal for most situations in the Main Arenas. In any case, burn the left tank dry, then the right wing down to 25% and switch over to main until empty. This helps balance the Corsair, as the extra weight in the right wing will help neutralize torque from the engine. Additionally, this functions as an excellent reserve as 25% fuel in the right wing can get you a sector in the Main Arenas with cruise settings for fuel conservation if your main tank is low or takes a hit. A drop tank can be added, however this adds a pylon to the belly of the aircraft that remains fixed when the tank is released that can shave 5-6mph off the aircraft's top speed.
Fighting against the F4U-1A
The Corsair is a dangerous and often underestimated opponent in comparison to widely-used aircraft such as the Spitfires. With some exceptions, anything that can out run her the she will out-maneuver, and anything that out-turns her the F4U will out-run. Trying to turn with the F4U at high speeds is not recommended, as both her instantaneous and sustained turning ability at high speeds is exceptional. 190s and late-model P-38s (notably the L) may be able to fight her in a rolling engagement. Don't let the Corsair have the high ground. She accelerates well in the dive, and her zoom climb is exceptional. She can be deadly in the vertical at high speeds, and can catch and lose even the SpitXVI and La-7 in the zoom. Watch for rudder reversals at the top of vertical extensions, as the rudder can haul that big nose back around and put her guns in your face with alarming speed.
The best strategy is to try to corner the F4U low and slow. She doesn't climb or accelerate well, so if you can keep above her and prevent her from egressing or gaining altitude you can control the fight and force her to stay defensive, bleeding off vital E. However, never underestimate the Corsair's flaps. They are among the most effective in the game, and the Hog can really swing around on you at low speeds if you're not careful. She's more vulnerable in a low-speed fight if you integrate a vertical component, as she can be somewhat sluggish at the top of loops at low speeds. Beware of rudder authority as well, as even if you're out of phase the rudder is highly responsive and can skid a shot in at surprisingly high airspeeds.
NEVER overlook the threat posed by a low Corsair. The F4U hides its energy state exceptionally well, and you may think you're out of reach only to suddenly watch that F4U 5000yds below you rocket up underneath guns blazing. Corsairs are exceptional divers. They accelerate very quickly downhill, and can not only remain intact through remarkably high airspeeds, but will maintain control authority well over 500-550mph. Trying to follow a Corsair through a high-speed dive can be a gamble, as she'll out-maneuver most opponents at these speeds, and will hold together while many other aircraft begin shedding pieces. Additionally, beware the zoom on the way back up, as if she's gained enough separation and airspeed you may not catch her before hanging yourself on your prop.
Corsairs can soak up a good bit of punishment before going down, so once you get a shot you may need to keep her there for a good second or two. Snapshots will rarely be sufficient to inflict enough damage to put her down. The engine especially seems to suffer damage fairly easily, and she's most prone to losing the outer wing panels, horizontal stabilizers, and the whole rear fuselage. Taking off the outer wing panel will at least knock her out of the fight, however it's not unusual for the Corsair to deny the kill by fooling you with an apparent death spiral, only to level out a few thousand feet under you and sneak away home.
F4U Corsair