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General characters cannot fight in the FPS side of game anymore, and their FPS equipment is returned to equipment depot so that other soldiers can use them if they have unlocked them. A detailed look of ranks show how characters progress and when they can earn command points to help put assault teams in the campaign map.

* Generals cannot play the action game. Once you decide to choose to turn Colonel/Oberst rank character into a General, they can only be used to support the Campaign game. All purchases will go into the equipment depot to be redistributed to other characters. This decision is final and cannot be undone.

  • Generals command Assault Teams to attack and defend cities in the Campaign map, part of the RTS side of the game.

Generals earn warfunds and experience by eliminating enemy assault teams.

Generals lose warfunds when they redeploy, reinforce and update their assault teams.

  • Generals are also the only type of character that can command assault teams regardless of what career they are from (they can command armor, Airforce, Infantry and more assault teams, while other characters who are not Generals but have Command Points can only command ATs of their career (e.g. a fighter pilot can only command Fighter ATs).


  • This means that without generals the campaign map wouldn't have decent battles.

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